Deep Prenatal Prep & Postpartum Support

Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials/Reviews

Client Testimonials

That birth story medicine you allowed me to access began a slow but steady journey for me… These are very powerful tools you’re practicing with, and it was apparent that you use them with skill and care. I’m really grateful… This experience has had profound reverberations.
— MHK (Birth Story Medicine client)
As busy moms, we often do not make time to process all that has happened to us. While pregnant we spend months thinking about the birth, and yet the moment a child arrives our attention turns to their thriving. We can skip over what may have been difficult or even traumatic about bringing a child into the world. The ramifications of an unprocessed birth story trauma affected me in a lot of small ways that began adding up...and then in walked Amelia Kriss. She gently yet boldly invited me into a safe space of reflection and exploration about one of the most difficult moments of my life. I hadn’t realized the stress and anxiety I was still carrying around it. Amelia helped me put it all down. I am still unpacking what we discussed and am recommending this to every mom I meet. You can trust Amelia to create safety, to ask just the right questions, and to listen intently. I believe every mom should experience Birth Story Medicine with Amelia.
— MHE (Birth story medicine client)
Because my story didn’t end in tragedy, I often have a hard time sharing it–both because of negative feedback (mostly people telling me to shrug it off) and because of my own self-judgment – so your willingness to really see me and hold space for this challenging, nagging event is invaluable.
— DN (birth story medicine client)
Thank you so much for coming and sharing your expertise today. [I]t went great and I would love to have you come to more classes! In the evaluations they even said they wished the relationship class was a class all to itself!
— Serena Saeed-Winn (Mom, CNM, WHNP, RN, CBS & Fellow Teacher at the SF birth center)